Monday, May 17, 2010

Water pollution

Water pollution
Water is the main source of life. We need it to live, drink, bathe,for recreation and for manufacturing and for almost everything.
Water pollution is the disposal of garbage into a water stream, which has affected many people and animals around the world. The reasons for water pollution are various, for example: littering, chemical leaks from factories, oil and ships. I am going to talk about water pollution; and explain how water pollution affects us, how it affects marine life, and what the solutions are.
There are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastic which takes four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also many companies use plastic and people throw it in water. Because plastic can float and be carried by the wind, it can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where it was originally dumped. Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, bait bags, and floats.
The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the governments took action. They were giving sailors up to one million dollars fines for disposing waste . Because of that, ships now carry less garbage with them.
Oil manufacturing and extraction is one of the biggest causes of water pollution in the region. During oil extraction they use water to cool the engines which goes back to the sea after being mixed with oil. Accidents to ships which carry oil are very common. These accidents cause oil to leak into the water and pollute it, and also kill the marine life around it.
Different factories and industries, especially the ones near the sea, are depending mostly on water, which is included in their manufacturing. Therefore, they used to throw their waste in the water, which also kills and harms the marine life and the people who will use it after.
Animals are not the only thing being harmed by water waste. Fishing lines, rope, and plastic nets are being caught in the engines, but the ships are not exactly perfect.
Water pollution doesn’t just affect humans, it affects the whole ecosystem. Birds and marine life are affecte By it . More than fifty species of birds are known to ingest plastic. When they eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation.
We need to start cleaning up the water or we will be in big trouble. The government needs to be move active more and so does the public.
In some places water pollution is a main concern. The last defense of water pollution is water treatment. There are two main reasons for water treatment. The first one is to protect the public’s health. The second one is to protect the water quality. Most of the waste water comes from industries, homes, businesses, storm runoff, ground water, and schools.
All in all, water pollution has become a global problem which needs to be solved soon. However, it will not be solved unless every person in this world or al least most of them gather to stop or to reduce the pollution.

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