Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Area: noun: A particular environment or walk of life
"It was a closed area of employment"
Data: noun: An item of factual information derived from measurement or research
"The first task is the assignment of an address to each datum"
Issue: verb: Make out:
"Issue a check"
Economy: noun: The efficient use of resources
"The economy in the UAE depends on oil”
Policy: noun: A plan of action adopted by an individual or social group
"It was a policy of retribution"; "a politician keeps changing his policies"
Process: noun: A particular course of action intended to achieve a result
"It was a process of trial and error"
Income: noun: The financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time
"He received a comfortable income from the syndication of his work"
Occur: verb: Come to one's mind; suggest itself
"It occurred to me that we should hire another secretary"
Export: verb: Sell or transfer abroad
"We export less than we import and have a negative trade balance"
Individual: adj: Being or characteristic of one particular part of many
"Please mark the individual pages"; "they went their individual ways";
Role: noun: An actor's portrayal of someone in a play
"She played the role of Desdemona"
Environment: noun: The totality of surrounding conditions
"He longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"
Source: noun: The place where something begins, where it springs into being
"Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"
Benefit: noun: Something that aids or promotes well-being
"Teachers want benefit for all"
Analyze: Verb: Consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
"Analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"
Vary: verb: Become different in some particular way
"The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season"
Function: noun: What something is used for
"The function of an auger is to bore holes"
Specific: noun Stated explicitly or in detail
"I need a specific amount of meat"
Period: noun: An amount of time
"I waited for a long period of time”
Establish: verb: Set up or lay the groundwork for
"The experiment established the instability of the compound"
Estimate: noun: An approximate calculation of quantity, degree or worth
"got an estimate from the car repair shop"

Monday, May 17, 2010

Water pollution

Water pollution
Water is the main source of life. We need it to live, drink, bathe,for recreation and for manufacturing and for almost everything.
Water pollution is the disposal of garbage into a water stream, which has affected many people and animals around the world. The reasons for water pollution are various, for example: littering, chemical leaks from factories, oil and ships. I am going to talk about water pollution; and explain how water pollution affects us, how it affects marine life, and what the solutions are.
There are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastic which takes four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also many companies use plastic and people throw it in water. Because plastic can float and be carried by the wind, it can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where it was originally dumped. Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, bait bags, and floats.
The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the governments took action. They were giving sailors up to one million dollars fines for disposing waste . Because of that, ships now carry less garbage with them.
Oil manufacturing and extraction is one of the biggest causes of water pollution in the region. During oil extraction they use water to cool the engines which goes back to the sea after being mixed with oil. Accidents to ships which carry oil are very common. These accidents cause oil to leak into the water and pollute it, and also kill the marine life around it.
Different factories and industries, especially the ones near the sea, are depending mostly on water, which is included in their manufacturing. Therefore, they used to throw their waste in the water, which also kills and harms the marine life and the people who will use it after.
Animals are not the only thing being harmed by water waste. Fishing lines, rope, and plastic nets are being caught in the engines, but the ships are not exactly perfect.
Water pollution doesn’t just affect humans, it affects the whole ecosystem. Birds and marine life are affecte By it . More than fifty species of birds are known to ingest plastic. When they eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation.
We need to start cleaning up the water or we will be in big trouble. The government needs to be move active more and so does the public.
In some places water pollution is a main concern. The last defense of water pollution is water treatment. There are two main reasons for water treatment. The first one is to protect the public’s health. The second one is to protect the water quality. Most of the waste water comes from industries, homes, businesses, storm runoff, ground water, and schools.
All in all, water pollution has become a global problem which needs to be solved soon. However, it will not be solved unless every person in this world or al least most of them gather to stop or to reduce the pollution.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010



A computer is a programmable machine which receives input through different parts of the computer such as keyboard, CPU, floppy disk and others, then edits and operates the data, and provides output in a useful way.
Computers have reached a stage of playing an important role in our life, from being just a machine to help in finishing some basic work to being an essential part of life.

Computed invention

The computer was invented in 1822 by Englishman Charles Babbage who is known as "the father of the Computer". Gradually, since this date until now the computer has been modified and improved by many other technicians and investors.

This invention was followed by the invention of the first programmable, digital and electronic devices which were called Collosus Mark I in 1943 which weighed 30 tons with 150 kilowatts. In a nearby year, in 1941, in the World War II, the first modern computer was invented by a German engineer called Konrad Zuse, which was named Z3.
The improvements in the computers were following each other. In 1952, the first computer, outside the military was created by Dr. John Mauchly and Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania with the name of the ENIAC. (

Nowadays, computers are varied in shapes, sizes, colors and even prices.

IBM is the largest, and the most famous company that makes computers and was the first company which introduced IBM computers with operating systems called "DOS" created by Microsoft. Other famous companies who are the leaders in the computer world are Gateway, Compaq, Dell, Sony, LG and HP. ( )

The latest technologies in the computer field, software and hardware, are
various recent inventions such as, Robot with human expressions, Mystery of Black Holes, 4G Technology, 3-D Processor chips, Operating System that will one take place of Windows, Evidence of water on Mars and many others.

Some of the Technology details are here:

4G Technology:

Fourth generation communication technology is the next step for the wireless communication system.

This 4G system is 200 times faster than the present 2G mobile data rates and 10 times faster than one present 3G broadband mobile.The data rate for present 3G broadband mobile rate is 2 Mbit/sec, where as 2G mobile data rate is 9.6 kbit/sec.

4G data rates and their merit:

4G mobile data transmission rates are planned to be up to 20 megabits per second which means that it will be about 10-20 times faster than standard ASDL services.

The main objectives of 4G are:

1)4G will be a fully IP-based integrated system.

2)This will be capable of providing 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s speeds both indoors and outdoors.

3)It can provide premium quality and high security.

4)4G offers all types of services at an affordable cost.

4G technology allows high-quality smooth video transmission. It will enable fast downloading of full-length songs or music pieces in real time.

New Operating System:

Windows is a worldwide famous and reliable operating system for computers. Microsoft launched its first widows operating system in 1985.Till now Microsoft presented various kinds of windows operating systems like Windows 2000, Xp, Vista. But in 2010 Microsoft is totally going to change these concepts by launching a Cloud Based Operating System and rumors are that MIDORI will be their first such operating system, which will replace Windows fully from the computer map.

The main idea behind MIDORI is to develop a lightweight portable OS which can be mated easily to lots of various applications.

3D Processor Chip:

Scientists at the University of Rochester have developed a new generation of Computer Processors. These processors are based on 3-Dimensional Circuits contrary to 2-Dimensional Circuits of today.

This can be said as the next major advance in computer processors technology. The latest 3-D processor is running at 1.4 gigahertz in the labs of University.

This design means that every task such as Synchronicity, Power Distribution, and Long-Distance Signaling are all fully functioning in three dimensions for the first time.(

Computers have developed and come a long way in these few decades. Laptops are the newest and developed model of the PC and the computers will keep improving for the following years, where they will be as big as the hand size.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bugatti VS Porsch

Cars these days have become one of the most important industries in the world. There are many names fitting in this industry to be on the top. Also there are many companies whose names have become famous these days. In this essay, I will compare between one two biggest names in the world. The Bugatti Veron and the Porsche 911 Turbo.
There are some similarities between these cars. The first one is both have strong engines and move on four wheels. Also there are two seats in them and the motor is located at the back of the car.
There are many differences. In terms of prices and the maximum speed and torque. And the time it takes from zero to sixty miles per hour, and the number of horses and the weight. The Bugatti price is$ 1.7M, the top speed speed is 407KPH and the time it takes from zero to sixty is 2.5 it has 1001 horse power, 1250 torques and the weight is 1888kg.(
The Porsche911Turbo price is $140700, top speed speed is 210mph and the time it takes from zero to sixty is 3.4.It has 500 horse power, 516 Ib-ft torque and the weight is 1570kg.( And there is a special Porsche 911 turbo. Corralled in the engine bay are 125 extra horses for a total of 480 from the 3.6-liter flat six-cylinder engine. Torque is rated at 460 pound-feet from a low 1,950 to 5,000 rpm. The Sport Chrono Package Turbo, which offers an over boost function, further raises the torque to 505 pound-feet at the touch of a button.(

Conclusion. In my opinion the Bugatti is a more interesting car, and it is so fast when you drive it, you feel like a bird in the sky. However, the price is too high and not any one can buy it.
The Porsche 911turbo is a very nice car and not so high price and good quality and anyone can buy it, and I like it because of the shape of the car and the name of the car.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Research Skills 2

Using the ADM library catalogue

• Go to
• Click Databases and ebooks
• Perform the same search with the data bases Student Resource Center – Gold
• List three sources that might be useful.

(1) Zadok, Rachel. Gem Squash Tokoloshe. London: Pan, 2006. Print.

(2) Ian, Robinson. Skilful Squash. London: & C Black, 1990

(3) Medlycott, Medlycott. How to Play Squash. London: Treasure, 1988.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Referencing Questions

Research Skills 2 – MLA referencing podcast summary (5%)

Name: Abdulla Jasem Abdulla
Number: H00127834

Part 1 – Referencing Questions
Watch the podcast that is linked under Referencing Links on the LCES N100 webpage. Answer the following questions from the presentation.

1. What is plagiarism?

It is cheating or copying

2. What must you do avoid plagiarizing?

Credit the resources you have consulted by using inline citation

3. What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?


4. What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from various sources?

Author’s name; Title; place published; date published ;publisher

5. When creating a reference for a book what comes first?

Author’s name

6. What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?

Title of the article

7. What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?

Page no

8. What is the third item of information when referencing a website?

Name of the website

9. What is last item of information when referencing a website?


10. In the case of a database source, what is the third item of information?

Magazine name

11. What comes before the URL in a database reference?

Date you access in it

12. Where is the bibliography?

At the end

13. What is in the bibliography?

List of all resources

14. When giving the author’s name which part of the name do you put first?

Family name

15. How do you order items in the bibliography?


16. Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?

In citation

17. What information goes in an inline citation?

Name, date and page no

18. Name one citation machine that can help you?


19. Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?

College librarian

20. In Google type, ‘HCT plagiarism.’ Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. State what this consequence is.

Dismissal from HCT

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chinese women
In China, one woman kills herself every year. Some women commit suicide impulsively. A husband and wife may conflict.
Marriage is arranged by parents and it is like a business, buying and selling a product.
Studies agree that many of the women who attempt suicide each year are attempting to gain some dignity - to bring home to others their sense of anger and frustration. Besides traditional attitudes, modern trends also seem set to place China's women under increasing pressure. In rural areas where social security is weak, women will face an even more terrible future in 20 years time. Abduction and trafficking of women will increase. So will prostitution, as well as sexual violence against women and rape. There are vocational courses on cooking, hairdressing and computing, as well as classes on marriage laws, suicide prevention and gender awareness. Since opening in 1998, 4,000 trainees have passed through its doors, typically going on to work as restaurant cashiers or factory clerks.
The move to the city is not without risk. Many young women have been sexually abused by their bosses, and working conditions are often abysmal.
Main Idea
Many women suicide in China because of traditional attitudes, husbands, sense of anger and frustration.
The government should realizes the extent of the problems that is facing the Chinese women and find some solution for it. In my opinion the government should change the rules about the marriage.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Many motoring buyers are calling the new Ghost an “entry level Rolls-Royce”but experts are saying this is a fabulous oxymoron, like Michael Jackson.

In the past,from 1906 to 1926, the Silver Ghost, Rolls-Royce was the machine which prompted Auto car to call Rolls-Royce the “Best Car in the Word”. The new Ghost will bring that legacy to bear on the luxury-sedan class, although the issue of its competitive set is a thorny one. Its size and performance make it a key rival to the Bentley Continental Flying Spur.

The new Ghost is still about 17 inches shorter than the short-wheelbase Phantom even though it’s nearly as roomy inside. The front seats are regally positioned and padded, giving a commanding view of the road ahead, and there is the choice of individual or coach seating in the rear. Everything is wrapped in leather, either a coarse-grained hide on the door panels or smooth stuff on the armrests and seats. Classic frosted white dials, eyeball vents, organ pulls, and violin-key switches are present and accounted for.

The best story we heard about this car’s development was of the interior engineer who spent two weeks in a sound booth listening to the Ghost’s headrest motors going up and down. He was attempting to correct an “acoustical imbalance” in them, all part of Rolls-Royce’s obsessive focus on the reduction of nose, vibration, and harshness. This kind of thing is what links the new Ghost to its namesake, and to its bigger brother. But whereas the Phantom, by virtue of its scale, seems to have one axle in the Thirties and one in the oughts, this new car feels more completely contemporary. It is incredibly fast and rewarding to drive-sporty, but it does not sacrifice the serenity, calm, and effortlessness that define a Rolls-Royce. The Ghost cossets and insulates, but it also flies.

Alterman, Eddi. "2011 Rolls-Royce Ghost." Car and Drive March & April 2010: 92-93

Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Kharma, Nayef, and Ali Hajjaj. Errors in English Among Arabic Speakers: Analysis and Remedy. Essex: Longman, 1989. 137-142.

(1) Who did the original research? Kharma,Nayef and Ali Hajjai

(2) What was the name of the book? Errors in English Among Arabic speakers

(3) Who was the publisher? Longman

(4) What pages were used? 137-142

(5) Where was the book published? Essex

(6) When was the book published? 1989

Kharma, Nayef, and Ali Hajjaj. Errors in English Among Arabic speakers. Essex: Longman, 1989

Monday, February 15, 2010

Eighth Wonder of the World

Libya's Great Man-Made River Project


This article is about Great Man-Made River Project in Libya. Libya is a desert country and finding fresh water has always been a problem. Industrialization put even more strain on water supplies. Finding a supply of fresh, clean water has become a government priority.

Oil exploration in the 1950s revealed vast aquifers beneath Libya’s southern desert. Libyan economists decided that the cheapest option was to construct a network of pipelines to transport water from the desert to the coastal cities. Libya had oil money to pay for the project but it did not have the technical or engineering expertise for such a massive undertaking. Foreign companies were invited to help. Phase 1, started in 1993 brought water from eastern well-fields to Benghazi. In 1996 phase 2, bringing water from western wells to Tripoli was completed. Phase 3 was still under construction in 2006.

A well-equipped factory, built special, 4m-diameter pipes that transport water from the desert to the coast. The pipes are designed to last 50 years and now most of the manufacturing is done by Libyans. With water now available in coastal cities, the Libyan government is beginning to use water for agriculture. The project was successful. The combination of water and oil has given Libya a sound economic platform. Libya is in a good position to play an increasingly influential role in the global economy.

Main Idea

In earlier times, a major problem was facing the citizens of Libya which is the lack of water support. The work of Muammar Al Qadhafi and foreign countries made a significant effect. They constructed wells in the desert and transported fresh water to coastal cities. Libyans' lives improved due to this revolution.


In my opinion, the article was excellent. What makes it interesting is that the Libyan people found the fossil water and how they use oil money to build special 4m pipes that transport water from the desert to the coast.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

About Myself

My name is Abdulla Jasem.

I like to play with children; after that I like to hit them

whatever it takes to make the teacher crazy.